INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
-restart firefox
install the script
This script group all application, if you want you can expand it.
-single click you can:
*accept/ignore all Mafia wars gift.
*accept/ignore all farmville gift.
*accept/ignore suggest friend, you can choose groups/message.
*accept/ignore request friend, you can choose groups.
*ignore application request.
Current supported requests:
Mafia Wars gift request, Farmville gift request, Cafe World gift request, Barn Buddy gift request, Pet Society gift request, Restaurant City gift request, Cafe World neighbor request, Vampire Wars gift request, Facebook friend request
install the script
(NOTE : re-edit == NEWEST version available at my homepage)
a little credits to the writer is very much apreciated
(dont post it on youtube for sure it will be gone)
Click>Enjoy share d`wealth to your friends