Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Facebook YoVille - Super rewards for Yocash!

-Automatically redirects you to the offer page requested.
-can flip between gambit or super rewards

If you dont have greasemonkey click.
INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
-restart firefox

install the script

Find and edit your facebook user id in the source code like this..


If you dont know how to? follow my steps carefully:
1.Open Firefox addons tools - Greasemonkey
2.Click the yocash script
3.Then at the botom left,, click edit
4.Open notepad.. copy paste this >
"%SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe" without "
5.Now you can edit it, change to your userid and save

a little credits to d writer is very much appreciated
Click>Enjoy share d`wealth to your friends