Tool to send multiple Loot-, Vault- or Boost-items from within the MafiaWars game interface to any user without having to go to the gifting page. You can use the facebook ID, facebook profile (with ID number) or mafiawars profile link for the recipient. Combine with my other script to easily read the ID (also for users with Vanity Tag) - Allows to read your giftkey and stores it for later retrieval in a cookie.
1. Install FireFox Browser (
If you dont have greasemonkey click.
INSTALL GreaseMonkey.
-restart firefox
install the script
4. Log in to MafiaWars page.
5. If you don't see the TOGGLE button, refresh page (must do this to make script active) or use Activate GiftSender command in GM-menu.
6. Go to your GIFT-page or to a profile from a MafiaFriend and run the respective command in the menu that allows you to get and store your GiftKey (must do this at least once).
7. Find the profile link or ID from a friend (FaceBook or MafiaWars profile) and paste it in the recipient (FaceBook ID or link) field.
8. Select quantity and type of loot and start sending.
a little credits to d writer is very much appreciated
Click>Enjoy share d`wealth to your friends